Hi Helen! I’ve been meaning to write you but got busy writing, falling in lust, falling out of lust, having a birthday, eating too much chocolate, and joining a gym. And still looking for an agent.
And tonight I was told by a small press they’d likely publish one of my books for the small fee of $1,500.
sigh . . . .
Whatever your writing block is, I’ll give you one more day to rest. Then I expect you to get back to work. You can write about politics, the economy, the sad state of publishing today, cures for insomnia, if panty hose are better than those old-fashioned silk stockings with garters or if bare-legged is the only way to go, snacks for writers, and what your relatives really think of you as a “writer.” A famous writer once told me not to worry what my relatives thought of something I wrote about them because “they’ll never read it anyway.” I have found this to be true.