I loved your honesty in this one, Shannon, but what struck me the most was how common and repetitive abusers are. They all say the same things, they all follow the same patterns, they all use the same behavioral tricks. Of course, pointing this out to them would only cause them to go into another rage-filled bitter session -- better to be quiet, right?
This stuff needs to stop. We're facing all manner of issues like war, starvation, poverty, climate change, and so on -- we don't have the time or resources to keep hurting people or allowing others to hurt us.
We all need to call this out -- no matter if you're female, male, or other. Don't keep quiet. Leave -- yes, it hurts for a while but the hurt can and does heal. But you have to speak up.
Thank you for speaking up, Shannon. Here's hoping many more people speak up because of you.