I usually read your articles with some interest, but I can't determine if this one is just a sneaky way to spam people into accessing your articles or if you simply have no realistic view of clinical depression.
So Georgia, as an artist, is not being recognized for her work. As a result of her disappointment she falls into a pit of depression. Most people I know get depressed when their efforts are ignored or they don't receive much in the way of positive reinforcement -- even "normal" non-artistic people.
Perhaps I missed mention of this, but I didn't see anything about her having a job, with or without a psychotic boss.
I don't know many people with enough resources to try out your regime. Do you have any idea how many tens of thousands of dollars something like this routine would cost? And no, insurance would not begin to cover half of it. And that's if every professional along the way were top-notch and ethical; oh so many are not -- especially those in holistic or complementary medicine fields.
Within a year, you say, Georgia took "personal responsibility and commited to her goals," which activated her "self-healing." Just waved her overly expensive wand and within a year of medicine, talk therapy, and new friends she's better than new, right?
If any of your readers suffer from clinical depression, I urge them not to rely on this glorified narrative of "curing" depression. Do some basic research on what is being posted and talk to medical people you actually know and know you can trust about depression.