Member-only story
Feel how cleanly the large thigh muscle allows itself to be pulled, stretched slowly to its farthest reach.
Put both arms out before you, hands together, and bend forward into yourself until your hands rest on the fragile ankle.
Be aware of your spine giving up its hold to allow each vertebrae its own space in which to curl so that your entire body becomes a smooth rounded thing of tension relaxed.
Hold this position until you understand the stillness in your mind.
Lift your arms to point to the source of light flooding the sky, each tendon supporting the weight of bone and pump of blood, the spine this time an imaginary line connecting the seven chakras.
Repeat this exercise three times.
When you have finished, rise to your natural height. Fill
your lungs with air and walk away.
Copyright 2009 Marguerite Floyd all rights reserved
This poem first appeared in Everyone’s Daughter, 2009